Platzhalter (incl. mergefields)
Diese Liste beinhaltet alle Platzhalter, welche in den Dokumenten- oder HTML-Vorlagen eingefügt werden können. Die Daten werden dann automatisch aus dem eRecruiter ausgelesen und anstelle der Platzhalter eingesetzt.
Um diese Platzhalter in einer HTML-Vorlage (z.B. einer E-Mail-Vorlage) einzufügen, fügt man vor und nach dem Platzhalter ein $ (Dollar-Zeichen) ein. Beispiel: $Applicant.FormattedName$
Für Wordvorlage Platzhalter aus der jeweiligen Liste letzte Spalte kopieren um direkt das Mergefield einzufügen
Um diese Platzhalter in einer Wordvorlage einzufügen, klickt man auf „Einfügen“ -> „Schnellbausteine“ -> „Feld…“. Im sich öffnenden Dialog wählt man bei Feldnamen den Eintrag „MergeField“ aus und füllt den Platzhalter in der zweiten Spalte in das Feld "Feldname" ein.
Allgemeine Platzhalter:
Zu folgenden Bereichen existieren Platzhalter:
Achtung: Logik bei CustomFields
Achtung, bei IF Abfragen mit Custom Fields ist die Logik bei Applicant Custom Fields eine andere als bei Job Custom Fields. Während bei Job Custom Fields Job.CustomFields_IsSet_
NamedesCustomFields, verwendet wird muss bei den Applicant Custom Fields Applicant.CustomFields_IsSet
.NamedesCustomFields verwendet werden.
Also Punkt anstelle des Unterstrichs!
Beispiel E-Mail Platzhalter: $Applicant.FormattedCustomFields.InternerNamedesCustomFields$
Ein praktischer Platzhalter für Mail-Templates:
Der Platzhalter loggt die Ansprechperson automatisch ein und leitet zum betroffenen Job in die Bewerber-Übersicht weiter.
Platzhalter für gendergerechte Anrede in Mails:
Hallo $Applicant.FormattedFirstName$
$if(Applicant.Gender)$Lieber $else$Liebe $endif$ $Applicant.FormattedFirstName$,
ODER im Falle des 3. Geschlechts
$if(Applicant.IsGenderIdentity.Male)$Sehr geehrter Herr$else$$if(Applicant.IsGenderIdentity.Female)$Sehr geehrte Frau$else$Hallo$endif$$endif$ $Applicant.FormattedLastName$
ODER 3. Geschlecht und wenn Geschlecht nicht hinterlegt:
$if(Applicant.IsGenderIdentity.Male)$Sehr geehrter Herr $Applicant.FormattedLastName$$else$$if(Applicant.IsGenderIdentity.Female)$Sehr geehrte Frau $Applicant.FormattedLastName$$else$$if(Applicant.IsGenderIdentity.Diverse)$Hallo $Applicant.FormattedName$ $else$$if(Applicant.IsGenderIdentity.Unknown)$$Applicant.FormattedSalutation$$else$Hallo $Applicant.FormattedName$$endif$$endif$$endif$$endif$
ApplicantRepresents an applicant. | MERGEFIELDS für Word kopieren | ||
| # of the applicant | 1337 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.Id MERGEFORMAT } |
| Gender (Yes/No-field) | True | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.Gender MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates if the applicant has a gender specified (Yes/No-field) | True | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.HasGender MERGEFORMAT } |
Applicant.GenderIdentity | Indicates that gender as which the applicant identifies | male/female/diverse | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.GenderIdentity MERGEFORMAT } |
| Birth date | 29.12.1985 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedBirthdate MERGEFORMAT } |
| # of the applicant | 1337 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedId MERGEFORMAT } |
| Mobile phone number | (0699) 4815162342 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedMobile MERGEFORMAT } |
| Mobile phone number or phone number (whichever exists) | (0699) 4815162342 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedPhoneOrMobile MERGEFORMAT } |
| Year of birth | 1985 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.YearOfBirth MERGEFORMAT } |
| Age in years | 1985 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.Age MERGEFORMAT } |
| Citizenship | Austria | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedNationality MERGEFORMAT } |
| URL (website) | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedUrl MERGEFORMAT } | |
| Time of day for phone calls | Immer | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedPhoneTime MERGEFORMAT } |
| Self description | Das ist meine Selbstbeschreibung. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedSelfDescription MERGEFORMAT } |
| Job description | Das ist meine Jobbeschreibung. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedJobDescription MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The applicants educations. See ApplicantEducation for further details. | ePunkt.Core.ExampleApplicantEducation[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedEducations MERGEFORMAT } |
| Military service | befreit (Befreiungsgrund: Chronische Müdigkeit und Schweißfüße) | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedMilitaryService MERGEFORMAT } |
| Preferred location for work | Großraum Linz | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedLocation MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The applicants work regions | System.String[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedRegions MERGEFORMAT } |
| The applicants amount of domestic travelling | nicht bereit zu Inlandsreisen | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedDomesticTravelling MERGEFORMAT } |
| The applicants amount of abroad travelling | nicht bereit zu Auslandsreisen | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedAbroadTravelling MERGEFORMAT } |
| The applicants earliest possible begin date | 1 Monat | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedEarliestPossibleBeginDate MERGEFORMAT } |
| The applicants salary | 4000 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedSalary MERGEFORMAT } |
| The applicants salary notes | Verhandlungsbasis | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedSalaryNotes MERGEFORMAT } |
| The next scheduled interview date of the applicant | 30.12.2015, 14:00 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedNextInterviewDate MERGEFORMAT } |
| The next scheduled interview date of the applicant | 30.12.2015, 14:00 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedDate MERGEFORMAT } |
| The applicants preferred occupation types | System.String[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedWorkTypes MERGEFORMAT } |
| The applicants preferred amount of overtime | bis zu 4 Stunden/Woche | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedOvertime MERGEFORMAT } |
| The applicants job profiles | System.String[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedJobProfiles MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The applicants additional educations. See ApplicantCertificate for further details. | ePunkt.Core.ExampleApplicantCertificate[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedCertificates MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The applicants publications. See ApplicantPublication for further details. | ePunkt.Core.ExampleApplicantPublication[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedPublications MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The applicants activities. See ApplicantActivity for further details. | ePunkt.Core.ExampleApplicantActivity[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedActivities MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The applicants work experiences. See ApplicantExperience for further details. | ePunkt.Core.ExampleApplicantExperience[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedExperiences MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The applicants knowledge groups. See ApplicantKnowledgeGroup for further details. | ePunkt.Core.ExampleApplicantKnowledgeGroup[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedKnowledgeGroups MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The applicants knowledges (in a flat list, ignoring all knowledge groups). See ApplicantKnowledge for further details. | ePunkt.Core.ExampleApplicantKnowledgeGroup[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedKnowledges MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The applicants languages. See ApplicantLanguage for further details. | ePunkt.Core.ExampleApplicantLanguage[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedLanguages MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates whether the applicant has a phone number specified (Yes/No-field) | True | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.HasFormattedPhone MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates whether the applicant has a mobile phone number specified (Yes/No-field) | True | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.HasFormattedMobile MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates whether the applicant any any certificates specified. | True | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.HasCertificates MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates whether the applicant any any languages specified. | True | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.HasLanguages MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates whether the applicant any any knowledges specified. | True | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.HasKnowledges MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates whether the applicant has a URL specified (Yes/No-field) | True | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.HasFormattedUrl MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The applicants custom fields | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedCustomFields MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] Indicates whether a custom field has a value | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.CustomFields_IsSet MERGEFORMAT } |
| The Auto-Log-On security key | DGZLmPfRnh0whCIAnMneDH7P1rKxOVLs | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.LogonKey MERGEFORMAT } |
| The Auto-Log-On URL | | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.LogonUrl MERGEFORMAT } |
| The URL to the applicant portal as configured in mandator settings. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.PortalUrl MERGEFORMAT } | |
| Indicates whether the applicant will move for a new job | Nein | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedIsWillingToMove MERGEFORMAT } |
| Gender | System.String[] | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedGenderName MERGEFORMAT } |
| The creation date. | 29.09.2015 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.CreationDate MERGEFORMAT } |
| The date when the applicant has updated him-/herself the last time. | 29.10.2015 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.UpdateDateByApplicant MERGEFORMAT } |
| The date when the applicant has been updated by a user the last time. | 29.11.2015 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.UpdateDateByUser MERGEFORMAT } |
| The classification reason of the applicant. | Beste Ausbildung, viel Berufserfahrung. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedClassificationReason MERGEFORMAT } |
| The classification of the applicant. | A | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedClassification MERGEFORMAT } |
| The (important) additional information of the applicant. | A | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedAdditionalInformation MERGEFORMAT } |
| The (important) additional information of the applicant. | A | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.AdditionalInformation MERGEFORMAT } |
| First name | Mario | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedFirstName MERGEFORMAT } |
| Last name | Mustermann | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedLastName MERGEFORMAT } |
| Title(s), first name and last name | Dr. Mario Mustermann, BSc. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedName MERGEFORMAT } |
| Title(s), first name and last name | Dr. Mario Mustermann, BSc. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.Name MERGEFORMAT } |
| Title (before name) | Dr. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedTitle MERGEFORMAT } |
| Title (before name) | Dr. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.TitleBeforeName MERGEFORMAT } |
| Title (after name) | BSc. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedTitleAfterName MERGEFORMAT } |
| Title (after name) | BSc. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.TitleAfterName MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates wether or not the applicant has a title (before name) (Yes/No-field) | True | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.HasTitleBeforeName MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates wether or not the applicant has a title (after name) (Yes/No-field) | True | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.HasTitleAfterName MERGEFORMAT } |
| Titles (before and after name) | Dr., BSc. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedTitlesBeforeAndAfterName MERGEFORMAT } |
| Salutation (for example for letters) | Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Mustermann, BSc. | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedSalutation MERGEFORMAT } |
| The salutation without the last name. | Sehr geehrter Herr | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedSalutationWithoutName MERGEFORMAT } |
| Gender | Herr | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedGender MERGEFORMAT } |
| Gender | Herrn | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedGenderForAddress MERGEFORMAT } |
| Phone number | (0732) 4815162342 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedPhone MERGEFORMAT } |
| E-Mail-Address | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedEmail MERGEFORMAT } | |
| Street (part of address) | Dametzstraße 38 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedStreet MERGEFORMAT } |
| City (part of address) | Linz | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedCity MERGEFORMAT } |
| ZIP-code (part of address) | 4020 | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedZipCode MERGEFORMAT } |
| Country (part of address) | Austria | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedCountry MERGEFORMAT } |
| The career level of the applicant. | Austria | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.CareerLevel MERGEFORMAT } |
| The career level of the applicant. | Austria | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedCareerLevel MERGEFORMAT } |
| The referrer of the applicant. | Austria | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.Referrer MERGEFORMAT } |
| The additional info of the referrer of the applicant. | Austria | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.ReferrerAdditionalInfo MERGEFORMAT } |
| A value indicating whether or not placeholders with muliple lines contain | Austria | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.FormattedAsHtml MERGEFORMAT } |
| A value indicating whether or not the applicant profile contains the applicants photo. | Austria | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.HasPhoto MERGEFORMAT } |
| The photo of the applicant (if any) in its original size. | C:\Users\bernhardwolkerstorfe\AppData\Local\Temp\4893a151-9170-4215-bc82-45826967a2f9.jpg | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.PhotoOriginalSize MERGEFORMAT } |
| The photo of the applicant (if any) in max. size of 150 x 150. | C:\Users\bernhardwolkerstorfe\AppData\Local\Temp\850b2bae-1778-4dbd-872e-c865f883c3b5.jpg | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.PhotoSmallSize MERGEFORMAT } |
| The photo of the applicant (if any) in max. size of 300 x 300. | C:\Users\bernhardwolkerstorfe\AppData\Local\Temp\5c99ef5d-7054-408d-9dee-4251b1f62cf9.jpg | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.PhotoMediumSize MERGEFORMAT } |
| The photo of the applicant (if any) in max. size of 500 x 500. | C:\Users\bernhardwolkerstorfe\AppData\Local\Temp\d206cd31-ba3a-4094-b8cc-bb62940a28f0.jpg | { MERGEFIELD Applicant.PhotoLargeSize MERGEFORMAT } |
ApplicantActivityRepresents a single activity of an applicant. | MERGEFIELDS für Word kopieren | ||
| Name | Ehrenamtlicher Dienst beim Roten Kreuz | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantActivity.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Date (from - to) | 1999 - 2006 | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantActivity.FormattedDate \* MERGEFORMAT } |
ApplicantCertificateRepresens a single additional education of an applicant. | MERGEFIELDS für Word kopieren | ||
| Type of additional education | Ausbildung | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantCertificate.FormattedType \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Name | Europäischer Computerführerschein (ECDL) | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantCertificate.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Date (from - to) | 2007 | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantCertificate.FormattedDate \* MERGEFORMAT } |
ApplicantEducationRepresents a single education fo an applicant. | MERGEFIELDS für Word kopieren | ||
| Type of education | Fachhochschule | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantEducation.FormattedType \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Specialization | Software Engineering für Business und Finanz | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantEducation.FormattedSpecialization \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Location (for example the school) | Hagenberg | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantEducation.FormattedLocation \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Date (from - to) | 2007 - 2012 | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantEducation.FormattedDate \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates whether the education has been completed (Yes/No-field) | True | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantEducation.IsFinished \* MERGEFORMAT } |
ApplicantExperienceRepresents a single work experience of an applicant. | |||
| Name of company | Borland Entwicklung GmbH | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantExperience.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Position | QA Engineer | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantExperience.FormattedPosition \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Reason, why the applicant has quit working there | Wunsch nach beruflicher Veränderung | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantExperience.FormattedQuitReason \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The work tasks | Erstellen von automatisierten Tests. Implementierung von Setup-Routinen. | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantExperience.FormattedTasks \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Date (from - to) | 2010 - 2013 | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantExperience.FormattedDate \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Career level | Management | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantExperience.FormattedCareerLevel \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| A value indicating wether or not placeholders with muliple lines contain | Management | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantExperience.FormattedAsHtml \* MERGEFORMAT } |
ApplicantLanguageRepresents a spoken languages of the applicant. | |||
| The languanges name | Englisch | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantLanguage.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The level of expertise | Sehr gut (verhandlungssicher) | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantLanguage.FormattedLevel \* MERGEFORMAT } |
ApplicantPublicationRepresents a single publication of an applicant. | |||
| Name | Die Anziehungskraft zwischen Ionen über Äonen in speziell isolierten, superleitenden Kathoden | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantPublication.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Type of publiation | Diplomarbeit | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantPublication.FormattedType \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Description | Motivation für diese Diplomarbeit war hauptsächlich, einen erfolgreichen Studienabschluss vorweisen zu können. | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantPublication.FormattedDescription \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| A value indicating wether or not placeholders with muliple lines contain | Motivation für diese Diplomarbeit war hauptsächlich, einen erfolgreichen Studienabschluss vorweisen zu können. | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantPublication.FormattedAsHtml \* MERGEFORMAT } |
ApplicantKnowledgeRepresents a single skill of an applicant. | |||
| Skill | SQL Programmierung | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantKnowledge.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Level of expertise | Experte | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantKnowledge.FormattedLevel \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Bullet (dot) for every level of expertise. | • • • • • | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantKnowledge.FormattedBullets \* MERGEFORMAT } |
ApplicantKnowledgeGroupRepresents a single knowledge group of an applicant. | |||
| Name | Datenbanken | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantKnowledgeGroup.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The number of knowledges in this knowledge group. | 1 | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantKnowledgeGroup.KnowledgesCount \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The skills of the applicant that belong to his knowledge group. See ApplicantKnowledge for further details. | ePunkt.Core.ExampleApplicantKnowledge[] | { MERGEFIELD ApplicantKnowledgeGroup.FormattedKnowledges \* MERGEFORMAT } |
CompanyRepresents an account. | |||
| Name | Kunde GmbH & Co KG | { MERGEFIELD Company.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Name | Kunde GmbH & Co KG | { MERGEFIELD Company.Name \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Short name | Kunde | { MERGEFIELD Company.FormattedShortName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Short name | Kunde | { MERGEFIELD Company.ShortName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The assigned users | Mag. Marianne Musterfrau | { MERGEFIELD Company.FormattedUsers \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The account description text block | Wir sind ein international höchst erfolgreiches Unternehmen im Bereich von Kommunikations- und Informationssystemen und in diesem Segment Weltmarktführer. | { MERGEFIELD Company.FormattedDescription \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates whether the account has driving directions in URL form (Yes/No-field) | True | { MERGEFIELD Company.HasRouteAsUrl \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The driving directions in URL form | { MERGEFIELD Company.FormattedRoute \* MERGEFORMAT } | |
| The UID of the account | AT123412341234 | { MERGEFIELD Company.Uid \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The custom fields | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String] | { MERGEFIELD Company.FormattedCustomFields \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] Indicates whether a custom field has a value | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String] | { MERGEFIELD Company.CustomFields_IsSet \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The # of the company | 123 | { MERGEFIELD Company.Id \* MERGEFORMAT } |
CompanyLocationRepresents a location (address) of a specific account. | |||
| Street (part of address) | Kundenstraße 1 | { MERGEFIELD CompanyLocation.FormattedStreet \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| ZIP-Code (part of address) | 1234 | { MERGEFIELD CompanyLocation.FormattedZipCode \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| City (part of address) | Kundenstadt | { MERGEFIELD CompanyLocation.FormattedCity \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| URL (website) | { MERGEFIELD CompanyLocation.FormattedUrl \* MERGEFORMAT } | |
| Name | Standort Wien | { MERGEFIELD CompanyLocation.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| # of company location | 9876 | { MERGEFIELD CompanyLocation.Id \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| # of company | 123 | { MERGEFIELD CompanyLocation.CompanyId \* MERGEFORMAT } |
ContactRepresents a contact. | |||
| # of the contact | 123 | { MERGEFIELD Contact.Id \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| # of the contacts company location | 123 | { MERGEFIELD Contact.LocationId \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| # of the company | 123 | { MERGEFIELD Contact.CompanyId \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| # of the contact | 3537 | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedId \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Position | Geschäftsführer | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedPosition \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Position | Geschäftsführer | { MERGEFIELD Contact.Position \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Wether or not the contact has a position specified. | True | { MERGEFIELD Contact.HasPosition \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Name of the contacts company | Firma XY | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedCompanyName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The Auto-Log-On URL | | { MERGEFIELD Contact.LogonUrl \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The URL to the applicant portal as configured in mandator settings. | { MERGEFIELD Contact.CompanyPortalUrl \* MERGEFORMAT } | |
| Titles, first name and last name | Mag. Berta Beispiel | { MERGEFIELD Contact.Name \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Address part 'for the attention of' | Mag. Berta Beispiel | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedForTheAttentionOf \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Username | Mag. Berta Beispiel | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedUsername \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Username | Mag. Berta Beispiel | { MERGEFIELD Contact.Username \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Username | Mag. Berta Beispiel | { MERGEFIELD Contact.UserName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The gender of the contact (Yes/No-field) | Mag. Berta Beispiel | { MERGEFIELD Contact.Gender \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| First name | Berta | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedFirstName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Last name | Beispiel | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedLastName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Titles, first name and last name | Mag. Berta Beispiel | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The title (before the name) | Mag. | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedTitle \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The title (after the name) | BSc. | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedTitleAfterName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Salutation (for example for letters) | Sehr geehrte Frau Mag. Beispiel, BSC. | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedSalutation \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The salutation without the last name | Sehr geehrte Frau | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedSalutationWithoutName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Gender | Frau | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedGender \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Gender | Frau | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedGenderForAddress \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Phone number | (0123) 45 67 89 | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedPhone \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Wether or not the contact has a phone number. | True | { MERGEFIELD Contact.HasPhone \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| E-Mail address | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedEmail \* MERGEFORMAT } | |
| Wether or not the contact has an e-mail address. | True | { MERGEFIELD Contact.HasEmail \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Street (part of address) | Beispielstraße 1 | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedStreet \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| City (part of address) | Musterstadt | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedCity \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| ZIP-code (part of address) | 12345 | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedZipCode \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Country (part of address) | 12345 | { MERGEFIELD Contact.FormattedCountry \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Signature for the contact. | Signature für einen Kundenkontakt mit HTML Inhalt. | { MERGEFIELD Contact.HtmlSignature \* MERGEFORMAT } |
InterviewRepresents an interview. | ||
| A descriptive text (date, location) | { MERGEFIELD Interview.Name \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Date (day and time) | { MERGEFIELD Interview.FormattedDate \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Date (day only) | { MERGEFIELD Interview.Date \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Interview.DateWithUtc | Date including timezone information by UTC offset | { MERGEFIELD Interview.DateWithUtc \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Time | { MERGEFIELD Interview.Time \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Interview.TimeWithUtc | Time including timezone information by UTC offset | { MERGEFIELD Interview.TimeWithUtc \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Interview.UtcOffset | Utc offset in client time zone | { MERGEFIELD Interview.UtcOffset \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Interview.FormattedDateWithUtc | Date and time including timezone information by UTC offset | { MERGEFIELD Interview.FormattedDateWithUtc \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Entire location (including the free-text part) | { MERGEFIELD Interview.FormattedLocation \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| A descriptive text (name of applicant, date, time, location) | { MERGEFIELD Interview.Text \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates if the applicant and the contacts have confirmed the interview (Yes/No-field) | { MERGEFIELD Interview.IsConfirmed \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| # of the interview | { MERGEFIELD Interview.Id \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| # of the mandator | { MERGEFIELD Interview.MandatorId \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| # of the applicant | { MERGEFIELD Interview.ApplicantId \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Location (free-text part only) | { MERGEFIELD Interview.Location \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates if the interview is completed (Yes/No-field) | { MERGEFIELD Interview.IsDone \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates if the interview has been cancelled (Yes/No-field) | { MERGEFIELD Interview.IsCancelled \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates if the applicant has confirmed the interview (Yes/No-field) | { MERGEFIELD Interview.IsConfirmedByApplicant \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Indicates if the the contacts have confirmed the interview (Yes/No-field) | { MERGEFIELD Interview.IsConfirmedByContacts \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Duration in minutes | { MERGEFIELD Interview.DurationInMinutes \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Name of the applicant | { MERGEFIELD Interview.Applicant \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Names of the attending users | { MERGEFIELD Interview.Users \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Names of the attending contacts | { MERGEFIELD Interview.Contacts \* MERGEFORMAT } |
InterviewProtocolRepresents an interview protocol. | |||
| Name of the person who write the interview protocol | Bernd Person | { MERGEFIELD InterviewProtocol.FormattedPerson \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Phone number of the person who write the interview protocol | #43 (345) 7890 123 | { MERGEFIELD InterviewProtocol.FormattedPersonPhone \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Date of the interview protocol | #43 (345) 7890 123 | { MERGEFIELD InterviewProtocol.FormattedDate \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| # of the interview protocol | #43 (345) 7890 123 | { MERGEFIELD InterviewProtocol.Id \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| # of the applicant | #43 (345) 7890 123 | { MERGEFIELD InterviewProtocol.ApplicantId \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Name of the interview protocol | #43 (345) 7890 123 | { MERGEFIELD InterviewProtocol.Name \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| [List] The elements of the interview protocol. See InterviewProtocolItem for detailled properties. | #43 (345) 7890 123 | { MERGEFIELD InterviewProtocol.Items \* MERGEFORMAT } |
InterviewProtocolItemRepresents a single question in an interview protocol. | |||
| # of the item | 78 | { MERGEFIELD InterviewProtocolItem.Id \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The subject (=question) | Persönlicher Eindruck | { MERGEFIELD InterviewProtocolItem.Subject \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The type of the item | Persönlicher Eindruck | { MERGEFIELD InterviewProtocolItem.Type \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The body (=answer) | Fachlich sehr guter Eindruck. Kleidung allerdings sehr ungepflegt und störender Körpergeruch. | { MERGEFIELD InterviewProtocolItem.Body \* MERGEFORMAT } |
JobRepresents a job. | |||
| Job title (on job ad) | Senior Software Engineer (m/w) | { MERGEFIELD Job.FormattedTitle \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Job title (internal) | Senior Software Engineer | { MERGEFIELD Job.FormattedInternalName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Job location (internal) | Linzer Zentrale | { MERGEFIELD Job.InternalLocation \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Job title (on job ad) | Senior Software Engineer (m/w) | { MERGEFIELD Job.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Job subtitle | .NET / C# | { MERGEFIELD Job.FormattedSubTitle \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| URL to job ad | { MERGEFIELD Job.FormattedUrl \* MERGEFORMAT } | |
| Occupation type | Vollzeit | { MERGEFIELD Job.FormattedOccupationType \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| End date for letterbox jobs | 19.01.2016 | { MERGEFIELD Job.FormattedLetterBoxEnd \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Start date for letterbox jobs | 29.12.2015 | { MERGEFIELD Job.FormattedLetterBoxStart \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Job profile of the job | Softwareentwickler | { MERGEFIELD Job.FormattedJobProfile \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Job Location (on job ad) | OÖ Zentralraum | { MERGEFIELD Job.FormattedLocation \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| First text block of job ad (HTML format) | In dieser abwechslungsreichen Position sind Sie für die Backend-Entwicklung der Webapplikation von der Analyse bis zur Implementierung zuständig. Sie wickeln eigenständig (Teil-)Projekte ab und stellen gemeinsam mit Ihren Kollegen eine professionelle Neu- und Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden Produktpalette sicher. Dabei bilden Sie auch die Schnittstelle zu anderen Abteilungen und externen Lieferanten. | { MERGEFIELD Job.Block1_AsHtml \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Second text block of job ad (HTML format) | Um diese herausfordernde Aufgabe bestmöglich lösen zu können, bringen Sie idealerweise Folgendes mit:
Wenn Sie eine spannende Tätigkeit in einem innovativen Unternehmen suchen, eine angenehme Arbeitsatmosphäre in einem jungen, engagierten Team schätzen und Freiraum für Eigeninitiative sowie kreative Ideen brauchen, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung. | { MERGEFIELD Job.Block2_AsHtml \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Third text block of job ad (HTML format) | Sie reizt ein komplexes, abwechslungsreiches Arbeitsumfeld? Sie schätzen technische Herausforderungen in Kombination mit organisatorischen Aufgaben? Dann sollten Sie diese Chance unbedingt nützen. Weiterbildung und leistungsgerechte Entlohnung sind Parameter für die Zufriedenheit unserer Mitarbeiter. | { MERGEFIELD Job.Block3_AsHtml \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Fourth text block of job ad (HTML format) | Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung. | { MERGEFIELD Job.Block4_AsHtml \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| First text block of job ad (text format) | In dieser abwechslungsreichen Position sind Sie für die Backend-Entwicklung der Webapplikation von der Analyse bis zur Implementierung zuständig. Sie wickeln eigenständig (Teil-)Projekte ab und stellen gemeinsam mit Ihren Kollegen eine professionelle Neu- und Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden Produktpalette sicher. Dabei bilden Sie auch die Schnittstelle zu anderen Abteilungen und externen Lieferanten. | { MERGEFIELD Job.Block1_AsText \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Second text block of job ad (text format) | Um diese herausfordernde Aufgabe bestmöglich lösen zu können, bringen Sie idealerweise Folgendes mit: Fundierte Ausbildung im Software EngineeringErfahrung in C#/ASP.NETGute Kenntnisse in SQL und mit verteilten ApplikationenSolide EnglischkenntnisseGenaue und selbständige ArbeitsweiseKommunikations- und TeamfähigkeitWenn Sie eine spannende Tätigkeit in einem innovativen Unternehmen suchen, eine angenehme Arbeitsatmosphäre in einem jungen, engagierten Team schätzen und Freiraum für Eigeninitiative sowie kreative Ideen brauchen, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung. | { MERGEFIELD Job.Block2_AsText \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Third text block of job ad (text format) | Sie reizt ein komplexes, abwechslungsreiches Arbeitsumfeld? Sie schätzen technische Herausforderungen in Kombination mit organisatorischen Aufgaben? Dann sollten Sie diese Chance unbedingt nützen. Weiterbildung und leistungsgerechte Entlohnung sind Parameter für die Zufriedenheit unserer Mitarbeiter. | { MERGEFIELD Job.Block3_AsText \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Fourth text block of job ad (text format) | Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung. | { MERGEFIELD Job.Block4_AsText \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Account description text block of job ad (HTML format). Uses the accounts description if none is specified for the job. | Wir sind ein innovativer Web-Dienstleister und einer der führenden Content-Management-, RedDot- und Rich-Internet-Experten in Europa. In den Bereichen Strategy, Design, Technology, Marketing und Service führen wir seit über 10 Jahren qualitativ hochwertige Beratungs- und Implementierungsprojekte für unsere Kunden in Deutschland, Österreich und dem internationalen Ausland durch. | { MERGEFIELD Job.CompanyDescription_AsHtml \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Account description text block of job ad (text format). Uses the accounts description if none is specified for the job. | Wir sind ein innovativer Web-Dienstleister und einer der führenden Content-Management-, RedDot- und Rich-Internet-Experten in Europa. In den Bereichen Strategy, Design, Technology, Marketing und Service führen wir seit über 10 Jahren qualitativ hochwertige Beratungs- und Implementierungsprojekte für unsere Kunden in Deutschland, Österreich und dem internationalen Ausland durch. | { MERGEFIELD Job.CompanyDescription_AsText \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Job title (on job ad) | Senior Software Engineer (m/w) | { MERGEFIELD Job.Name \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Job title (internal) | Senior Software Engineer | { MERGEFIELD Job.InternalName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Job location (on job ad) | OÖ Zentralraum | { MERGEFIELD Job.Location \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| First text block of job ad (HTML format) | In dieser abwechslungsreichen Position sind Sie für die Backend-Entwicklung der Webapplikation von der Analyse bis zur Implementierung zuständig. Sie wickeln eigenständig (Teil-)Projekte ab und stellen gemeinsam mit Ihren Kollegen eine professionelle Neu- und Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden Produktpalette sicher. Dabei bilden Sie auch die Schnittstelle zu anderen Abteilungen und externen Lieferanten. | { MERGEFIELD Job.Description \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Second text block of job ad (HTML format) | Um diese herausfordernde Aufgabe bestmöglich lösen zu können, bringen Sie idealerweise Folgendes mit:
Wenn Sie eine spannende Tätigkeit in einem innovativen Unternehmen suchen, eine angenehme Arbeitsatmosphäre in einem jungen, engagierten Team schätzen und Freiraum für Eigeninitiative sowie kreative Ideen brauchen, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung. | { MERGEFIELD Job.Requirements \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Fourth text block of job ad (HTML format) | Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung. | { MERGEFIELD Job.Notes \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Account description text block of job ad (HTML format) | Wir sind ein innovativer Web-Dienstleister und einer der führenden Content-Management-, RedDot- und Rich-Internet-Experten in Europa. In den Bereichen Strategy, Design, Technology, Marketing und Service führen wir seit über 10 Jahren qualitativ hochwertige Beratungs- und Implementierungsprojekte für unsere Kunden in Deutschland, Österreich und dem internationalen Ausland durch. | { MERGEFIELD Job.AnonymousDescription \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Third text block of job ad (HTML format) | Sie reizt ein komplexes, abwechslungsreiches Arbeitsumfeld? Sie schätzen technische Herausforderungen in Kombination mit organisatorischen Aufgaben? Dann sollten Sie diese Chance unbedingt nützen. Weiterbildung und leistungsgerechte Entlohnung sind Parameter für die Zufriedenheit unserer Mitarbeiter. | { MERGEFIELD Job.ApplicationText \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Job title (on job ad) | .NET / C# | { MERGEFIELD Job.SubTitle \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Account description text block of job ad (HTML format). Uses the accounts description if none is specified for the job. | Wir sind ein innovativer Web-Dienstleister und einer der führenden Content-Management-, RedDot- und Rich-Internet-Experten in Europa. In den Bereichen Strategy, Design, Technology, Marketing und Service führen wir seit über 10 Jahren qualitativ hochwertige Beratungs- und Implementierungsprojekte für unsere Kunden in Deutschland, Österreich und dem internationalen Ausland durch. | { MERGEFIELD Job.AnonymousDescriptionOfCompany \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The URL to the job ad | { MERGEFIELD Job.Url \* MERGEFORMAT } | |
| The (corrected) publication date of the job | 29.12.2015 | { MERGEFIELD Job.Date \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The # of the job | 1234 | { MERGEFIELD Job.Id \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The career level of the job. | 1234 | { MERGEFIELD Job.CareerLevel \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The career level of the job. | 1234 | { MERGEFIELD Job.FormattedCareerLevel \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The formatted name of the contacted associated with the job. | 1234 | { MERGEFIELD Job.ContactFormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The e-mail address of the contact associated with the job. | 1234 | { MERGEFIELD Job.ContactEMail \* MERGEFORMAT } |
MandatorRepresents a mandator. | ||
| URL to the mandators default applicant portal | { MERGEFIELD Mandator.PortalUrl \* MERGEFORMAT } |
RecruiterRepresents a Recruiter of a Recruiting agency. | ||
Recruiter.Id | The Id of the recruiter. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.Id \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.FormattedTitle | The title of the recruiter. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.FormattedTitle \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.FormattedFirstName | The first name of the recruiter. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.FormattedFirstName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.FormattedLastName | The last name of the recruiter. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.FormattedLastName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.FormattedName | Title(s), first name and last name of the recruiter. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.FormattedSalutation | The salution for the recruiter with name. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.FormattedSalutation \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.FormattedSalutationWithoutName | The salution for the recruiter without name. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.FormattedSalutationWithoutName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.FormattedGender | Mr./Mrs. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.FormattedGender \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.FormattedGenderName | male/female | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.FormattedGenderName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.FormattedGenderForAddress | Gender in address format. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.FormattedGenderForAddress \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.PhoneNumber | The phone number of the recruiter. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.PhoneNumber \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.EmailAddress | The E-Mail address of the recruiter. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.EmailAddress \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.Password | The password of the recruiter. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.Password \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.Street | Recruiter's recruiting agency street address. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.Street \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.City | Recruiter's recruiting agency city. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.City \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.ZipCode | Recruiter's recruiting agency ZIP code. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.ZipCode \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.Country | Recruiter's recruiting agency country. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.Country \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.Position | The position of the recruiter. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.Position \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.AutoLogOnUrl | The "Auto LogOn URL" for a Recruiter. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.AutoLogOnUrl \* MERGEFORMAT } |
Recruiter.FormattedExpireDate | Expiration date of the auto log on URL. | { MERGEFIELD Recruiter.FormattedExpireDate \* MERGEFORMAT } |
UserRepresents a user. | ||
| Saluation | { MERGEFIELD User.FormattedSalutation \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Titles, first name and last name. | { MERGEFIELD User.FormattedName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Titles, first name and last name. | { MERGEFIELD User.Name \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| First name | { MERGEFIELD User.FormattedFirstName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| First name | { MERGEFIELD User.FirstName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Last name | { MERGEFIELD User.FormattedLastName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Last name | { MERGEFIELD User.LastName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Gender | { MERGEFIELD User.FormattedGender \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| Gender | { MERGEFIELD User.FormattedGenderName \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The HTML signature that is configured as 'default'. | { MERGEFIELD User.DefaultHtmlSignature \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The HTML signature that is configured as 'default'. | { MERGEFIELD User.HtmlSignature \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The plain text signature that is configured as 'default'. | { MERGEFIELD User.DefaultPlainSignature \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The phone number | { MERGEFIELD User.Phone \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The E-Mail-address that is configured as 'default'. | { MERGEFIELD User.DefaultEmail \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The E-Mail-address that is configured as 'default'. | { MERGEFIELD User.Email \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The name of the users mandator location (as defined in mandator hierarchy). | { MERGEFIELD User.Location \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The street of the users mandator location (as defined in mandator hierarchy). | { MERGEFIELD User.LocationStreet \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The ctiy of the users mandator location (as defined in mandator hierarchy). | { MERGEFIELD User.LocationCity \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The ZIP-code of the users mandator location (as defined in mandator hierarchy). | { MERGEFIELD User.LocationZipCode \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The driving directions of the users mandator location (as defined in mandator hierarchy). | { MERGEFIELD User.LocationRoute \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The E-Mail address of the users mandator location (as defined in mandator hierarchy). | { MERGEFIELD User.LocationEmail \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The phone number of the users mandator location (as defined in mandator hierarchy). | { MERGEFIELD User.LocationPhone \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The fax number of the users mandator location (as defined in mandator hierarchy). | { MERGEFIELD User.LocationFax \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The gender of the applicant (Yes/No-field) | { MERGEFIELD User.Gender \* MERGEFORMAT } |
| The (local) path to the image that contains the current users signature. | { MERGEFIELD User.SignaturePath \* MERGEFORMAT } |