E-Mail-adresses and signatures

E-Mail-adresses and signatures

Login with your eRecruiter Account

    1. Click on the   - Button to open the submenu
    2. The submenu offers the SETTINGS-Button
    3. A new detailed navigation bar will open up

Click in the detailed navigationbar on the "E-Mail addresses and signatures"

Here you can edit your E-Mail Signatures and add new ones

edit: Just click on the Signatures's name to edit

delete:    Click on the delete-button   

new:       Create new Templates with the  -button on left side

Give your template a Short description.

Add as much signatures as you need,

maybe you have one for intern communication and one

for extern communication

Choose which of your signatures should be the default signature

add the E-Mail Adress for the signature

If you have more than one Applicant portal, you can choose if this signature

should be especially for one of them

Now add the Text of your Signature.

You have diffrent Options to customize your Siganture with the Editor


you can add some SourceCode it you have one