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    1. Click on the   - Button to open the Submenu
    2. The Submenu offers the SETTINGS-Button
    3. A new detailed navigationbr will open up

Click in the detailed navigationbar on the "E-Mail Templates"

Here you can edit your E-Mail-Templates, delete them or create new Templates

edit: Just click on the Template's name to edit

delete:    Click on the delete-button   

new:       Create new Templates with the -button on right side

If you create a NEW Template, you have to configure the settings of your Template:

Name:               Give your E-Mail-Template a clear name

Hierachy Ebene:     Should the Template be available for everyone? For a group or just you?

Action                   Add the Workflow-Activity, where you will need the Template


A Rejection can be connected with the Activity "Reject Applicant"

Now add the Text of your E-Mail-Template and use some Placeholders




A placeholder automatically fills out Information from the Database. For example - use a placeholder for the Applicants salutation.

The placeholders are orderd by the object (Applicant, User, Job) and a little description of the placeholders-outcome.

Use the -button to see the placeholders result.



A placeholder is always sourrounded by the ‘$’ symbol. In between will always be the source ( the object) and the action (what should be the result)



Please notice:

Your signature will be automatically added to your E-Mail if it is send.

Edit your signature in the detailed navigationbar in the -menu.

You created the perfect E-Mail-Template? Please save your draft with the  -button.


Edit E-Mail-Templates

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