Indeed - one search - all jobs

Indeed - one search - all jobs

Do you know our partner Indeed

Indeed.com is an American worldwide employment-related search engine for job listings. The site aggregates job listings from thousands of websites, including job boards, staffing firms, associations, and company career pages. Your Applicants can easily apply for a job with a few clicks, using an Indeed-profile. Indeed supports most of the eRecruiter questioniares.


eRecruiter Version 2.10. or higher

Please note, that the following information of your applicants are not available if he or she uses Apply by Indeed

  • Street
  • Nationality
  • Birth Date

these informations are no mandatory fields.

Integration possibilites:

  •  API

Indeed gives you an API Key and a Secret, please call our Support or your Consultant - we will help you to integrate it

  • Indeed Feed

Please let our support help you to add this Feed to your Publication channels, the following Fields must be filled to publish a job on Indeed

NameInternal NameTypeTarget groupGroup
CountryIndeedCountryText (Single Line)JobIndeed
StateIndeedStateText (Single Line)JobIndeed
Postal CodeIndeedPostalCodeText (Single Line)JobIndeed
CityIndeedCityText (Single Line)JobIndeed

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