- Sebastian Schubert (Unlicensed)
- Alexandra Rupacher
- Claudia Riegler (Unlicensed)
Owned by Sebastian Schubert (Unlicensed)
- Redis 3.x or greater
- do not activate reCAPTCHA - due to GDPR concerns it is not recommended to use anymore (before March 2022: It is also recommended to enable reCAPTCHA on the applicant portal.)
In the applicant portal configuration (appsettings.config or Settings.config) the following line needs to be added.
... <!-- Double OptIn --> <add key="DoubleOptInKey" value="0655367566B59703373472B4B62536763979244226452948404D635166546A57" /> ...
The key value is a 64 character random key, that can be generated with e.g. this tool: https://www.guidgenerator.com/online-guid-generator.aspx, which creates a 32 char key, so do it 2x and combine the 2
After the configruation of the applicant portal has been completed, double-opt-in needs to be activated for an applicant portal in the eRecruiter settings.
- Administration → Miscellaneous → Applicant portal settings → {ApplicantPortal} → General settings → Double-Opt-In registration.
After activating this option, double-opt-in should be activated for registration on the applicant portal.
- The double-opt-in information will be stored for 24 hours and removed if the activation is not completed.
- The workflow that is completed by the applicant can be viewed in the Double-OptIn user documentation.