Directory Structure
Directory Structure
In the eRecruiter, documents are stored in a folder which location is determined either by the current directory or - if overridden - in the AppSettings.config file. The same holds true for template and temporary (e.g. thumbnails) files.
Variables to be overriden are:
- WindowsFileManager_FilesPath called <<FilePath>> in the following table
- WindowsFileManager_TemplatesPath called <<TemplatePath>> in the following table
- TemporaryFileManager_Path called <<TempPath>> in the following table
Different file types are stored in different subfolders. Those types and subfolder names are:
Document type | Subfolder name |
Applicant document | <<FilePath>>\ApplicantDocuments |
Applicant video | <<FilePath>>\ApplicantVideos |
Attachments | <<FilePath>>\Attachments |
Company description | <<FilePath>>\CompanyDescriptions |
Company documents | <<FilePath>>\CompanyDocuments |
Company pictures | <<FilePath>>\CompanyPictures |
Company routes | <<FilePath>>\CompanyRoutes |
Curriculum vitae | <<FilePath>>\CV |
Job documents | <<FilePath>>\JobDocuments |
Photos | <<FilePath>>\Photos |
Reports | <<FilePath>>\Reports |
Signature images | <<FilePath>>\Signatures |
Uploads | <<FilePath>>\Uploads |
Ordermanagement contracts | <<FilePath>>\OrderManagement\Contracts |
Ordermanagement employee-documents | <<FilePath>>\OrderManagement\Employees |
Ordermanagement templates | <<FilePath>>\OrderManagement\Templates |
Orders | <<FilePath>>\OrderManagement\Orders |
Timereport documents | <<FilePath>>\OrderManagement\TimeReportDocuments |
Templates | <<TemplatePath>> |
Temporary files | <<TempPath>> |
Thumbnails | <<TempPath>>\Thumbnails |
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