Security Recommendations
Security Recommendations
This page describe the recommended security features that should be configured for on-premise installations.
Regarding the servers and operating system the following points should be considered:
- The eRecruiter installation should be split into a multi-server architecture (see System Description).
- The eRecruiter should only be installed on trusted servers that are fully controlled by the operations team.
- Candidate data, even if just stored temporarily, should only be stored on encrypted partions and scanned for malicious content.
Regarding the network infrastructure the following points should be considered:
- The eRecruiter installation should be split into a multi-server architecture (see System Description).
- The communication between the servers should be encrypted (HTTPS or secure tunnels).
- The servers should be separated through firewalls with strong rule sets (ports, destinations).
- The servers should use a separated VLAN infrastructure.
Data / Database
- The data (files, database) should only be stored on encrypted partitions.
- Data transfer between the data storage and applications should be encrypted.
- Data access policy should be restricted to the application service users and a limited set of administrators.
- Data should be scanned for malicious content.
- Data transfer between database and applications should be encrypted.
- Database access policy should be restricted to the application service users and a limited set of administrators.
- The application server logs should be activated in the IIS configuration.
- The application server logs should be collected on a regular basis and stored in a secure location for an extended period.
- The application sanitizes data transferred from candidates before displaying and storing whenever possible.
- The application utilized different security mechanism to prevent common types of attacks.
- The application uses a role based access policy (configurable in the administration interface).
- The application uses an audit logs for actions related to candidates.
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