Applicant Export / Bewerber Export

Applicant Export / Bewerber Export

The eRecruiter support a XML feed that allows to export applicants to other systems based on either applicant ID, a search query or applicant status. The feed allows simple pagination and can be configured for the data that is required by the external consumer. The following data can be exported by the applicant export feed:

  1. applicant data (mandatory)
  2. applications (optional)
  3. history (optional)
  4. documents as UNC paths (for on premise customers only) or inline BASE64-encoded (optional)

Example XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <street>Street 123</street>
    <updateDateUser>13.06.2016 13:59:04</updateDateUser>
    <updateDateApplicant>22.04.2016 15:14:43</updateDateApplicant>

    [...optional custom fields for application...]
      <company>ePunkt Internet Recruiting GmbH</company>
      <position>Master of Recruiting</position>
      <tasks>a lot of tasks</tasks>
      <quitReason>current position</quitReason>
      <careerLevel>4 - Management</careerLevel>
    [...more experience...]    

    [...more education...]

    <document type="CV" format="pdf">\\path\to\document\cv.pdf</document>
    <document type="Photo" format="jpeg">\\path\to\document\photo.jpeg</document>
    [...more documents...]

      <name>Senior Recruiter</name>
      <user>Sue User</user>
    [...more jobs...]   

    <history date="08/08/2013 22:00:44" user="">
    [...more history...]

Applicant Data

These fields represent the applicant's base data and some meta-information. There may be some additional custom fields included in the feed which are based of the eRecruiter customization.

idnumbereRecruiter ID
titlestringacademic title before name
firstNamestringfirst name
lastNamestringlast name
titleAfterNamestringacademic title after name
streetstringstreet address
zipCodestringaddress ZIP code
citystringaddress city
countrystringaddress country
birthdatedate (DD-MMM-YYYY)birth date
phonestringphone number
emailstringe-mail address
updateDateUserdate (DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS)date of last update by eRecruiter user
updateDateApplicantdate (DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS)date of last update by applicant


The applicants work experience.

companystringname of company
positionstringname of position
tasksstringdescription of performed tasks
quitReasonstringreason for quitting
careerLevelstringjob/career level (based on customization)
beginDatedate (MMM-YYYY)start date of job
endDatedate (MMM-YYYY)end date of job (can be empty)


The applicant's education.

typestringtype of education (based on customization)
locationstringlocation of education, i.e. a city name
specializationstringdescription of the education
isFinishedbooleanflag if the education has been finished
beginDatedate (MMM-YYYY)start date of job
endDatedate (MMM-YYYY)end date of job (can be empty)


The applicant's document either as UNC-paths or inline as encoded documents.

typestringtype of document (based on customization)
formatstringfile format (MIME type)
contentstringpath to the document or BASE64-encoded document

Job (Application)

The applicant's applications in the eRecruiter. There may be additional information, if the applicant accepted a job and hiring information has been added.

idnumbereRecruiter job ID
namestringname of the job
jobStatusstringstatus of the job
applicantJobStatusstringstatus of the applicant regarding to the job
userstringname of the responsible eRecruiter user


The applicant's history in the eRecruiter including all history entries that were generated by the system or the eRecruiter users.

datedate (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS)date of history entry
typestringtype of entry
bodystringbody text


The applicant export can either be used through the eRecruiter backend or through a web service. The eRecruiter user must have permissions to export data to either one of it.


The eRecruiter backend user interface can be found under .../Modules/Export/.

Web service

The webservice URL is .../Services/ApplicantExport.ashx

Export modes

There are two possible export modes for either one or multiple applicants.

Common Parameter

usernumberThe ID of the user. The user must have the permission to export data. Required.
passstringThe user's hashed password. Required.
documentsIgnore|LocalPaths|EncodedInclude the documents as paths (LocalPaths) or include them as a base 64 encoded string (Encoded). The default value is "Ignore".
historytrue|falseInclude the history information or not. The default value is "false".
jobstrue|falseInclude the jobs of an applicant or not. The default value is "false".

Mode 1 - Single applicant export

applicantIdnumberThe identifier of the applicant to export.

Mode 2 - Multiple applicant export


StatusGroup: Accepted|Denied|One|Two|Three|Four

Filters any applications in the specified status group, starting at the date if provided.

filterstringFilters the applicants by a search phrase.
datedateStarting from the date provided to the current date.
takenumberSpecifies the number of applicants to be taken.
skipnumberSpecifies the number of applicants to be skipped.

Status Groups of applicants

The four status groups of open applicants are mapped to the parameter values as shown in the table below.

Rejected applicants have status group "Denied". Placed applicants have status group "Accepted".

Status groupParameter value
First status groupOne
Second status groupTwo
Third status groupThree
Fourth status groupFour

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