Job Feed

Job Feed


The XML-Feed is used to publish jobs to 3rd-Party applications, where the feed contains a list of jobs.

		<subTitle>with professional experience</subTitle>
		<companyDescription><![CDATA[description of the company]]></companyDescription>
		<description><![CDATA[description of the job]]></description>
		<requirements><![CDATA[job requierements]]></requirements>
		<additionalText><![CDATA[addtional jobtext]]></additionalText>
		<responsibleUser>epunkt admin</responsibleUser>
		<content><![CDATA[CSS & HTML of the job]]></content>
	<!-- More jobs -->

XML-Jobfeed Tags

Find a description of the available XML-tags in the next table




job ad metadata


The ID of the job



The name of the job

Software Developer


The subtitle of the job

for Online Gaming Solutions


The description of the company

Our client is an international Software Development Center, newly established …


The job description

The software developer is a hands-on technical person who will be responsible for …


The job requirements

The ideal candidate is a professional with experience in …


Addtional jobtext

Our client offers the possibility to …

footerOptional footer job text 
contentThe full css and html markup of the jobad<style type="text/css"> #jobAd { font-family: Univers…
contact information for the recruiter


The person, who is responsible for the job (i.e. the Recruiter)

John Smith


Email address of the responsible person



Gender of the responsible person

0 or 1 [0=female][1=male]


The job profile (just one entry possible)


callback URLs for applications


The URL of this job



Application link


job ad time information


The creation date of the job



The date of the latest job update



The date since the job is online available



Corrected date since the job is online


job ad additional information


Type of employment

Part time / Full time / …


Career level

Experienced (Non-Manager)

job ad general location information
regionThe region just like states or countiesGermany
locationThe city of employmentBerlin
geoKoordinateThe location of the job as geo coordinates 
job tags
tagTag (free text, multiple tags possible)IT, Gaming,…
job ad publication channels
publishedOnA list of portals and channels where the job is published onStepstone, Karriere.at,..
multi-posting providers channel information
multiChannelProvidersA list of multi-channel provider configured channels 
extended job location information for multi-posting providers
jobCountryThe country of the jobAustria
jobZipCodeThe zip code of the job4020 Linz

XML-Jobfeed Request URL's 

There are some routes available on the applicant-portal to generate different kind of feeds. These routes follows the following pattern


Find next a description of the routes with their specific parameters


Generates a XML with a list of jobs of the specified publication channel. If no publication channel is specified but a referrer, then the referrer is taken as channel, if it is a valid channel. If neither of both is specified, the current URL is used as channel. Optionally it's possible to filter the list of jobs by applying filters in parameters 'filter', 'jobProfiles' and 'regions'.

A XML with all jobs of the specified publication channel and filtered by the optional filter parameters is returned.

Find a description of the URL-parameters next.

channelThe publication channel or portal URL, if no channel is supplied, the default publication channel is used
filterA string with a filter to filter the published jobs of the specified channel parameter
formatSpecifies the format how the job ad should be displayed. If "html" is supplied the job ad html of the job is used, else a default job ad is generated
jobProfilesA list of job profiles splitted by the character '|' to filter the published jobs
multiPostingPartnerFilter for a specific multi-posting partner
referrerThe referrer is appended to each job URL in the resulting XML. It was used as channel in earlier times where the channel didn't exist
regionsA list of regions splitted by the character '|' to filter the published jobs
cultureThe culture the jobs should be rendered for


Generates an Rss-Feed result from the parameters specified.


The publication channel or portal URL, if no channel is supplied, the default publication channel is used

referrerThe referrer is appended to each job URL in the resulting XML. It was used as channel in earlier times where the channel didn't exist
filterA string with a filter to filter the published jobs of the specified channel parameter
jobProfilesA list of job profiles splitted by the character '|' to filter the published jobs
regionsA list of regions splitted by the character '|' to filter the published jobs
formatA string with a filter to filter the published jobs of the specified channel parameter
cultureThe culture the jobs should be rendered for


Load all published jobs in a chronological descending order from the specified channel, if specified. If no channel is supplied, jobs are loaded from the current portal. Optionally it's possible to filter the list of jobs by applying filters in parameters 'filter', 'jobProfiles' and 'regions'.

A list of jobs of the specified publication channel and filtered by the optional filter parameters is returned.

Find a description of the URL-parameters next.

referrerThe referrer is appended to each job URL in the resulting XML
filterA string with a filter to filter the published jobs
jobProfilesA list of job profiles splitted by the character '|' to filter the published jobs
regionsA list of regions splitted by the character '|' to filter the published jobs
formatSpecifies the format how the job ad should be displayed. If "html" is supplied the job ad html of the job is used, else a default job ad is generated
multiPostingPartnerFilter for a specific multi-posting partner
cultureThe culture the jobs should be rendered for



There are 4 different ways for each language to send a XML-Feed

Settings in eRecruiter which influences the feed

  • CUSTOM-Fields
    • Public custom fields for jobs and customers are published via the XML feed to the applicant portal.
  • Portal Settings
    • You can choose:
    • include Advanced Data 
    • include tags 
    • include 4th job text block

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