6) Cron Worker Installation

6) Cron Worker Installation

The eRecruiter Cron Worker is an application which should run automatically at regular intervals to perform tasks. These include the sending of (auto) mails, deleting temporary files, synchronization tasks and the execution of tasks within the workflow. The  eRecruiter Cron Worker will be executed by the Windows Task Scheduler application. Therefore it is required to create a task scheduler configuration for the eRecruiter Cron Worker. The following steps explain the process of creating a Task Scheduler configuration:

  1. Launch the Windows Task Scheduler application and select "Task Scheduler Library"
  2. Select "Create Task..." from the action bar on the right.
  3. Create the configuration according to the following list:
    1. Name: eRecruiter Cron Worker
    2. Security Options
      1. User should be the eRecruiter application user created in an earlier step of the installation manual.
      2. Run whether user is logged on or not
    3. Create a new trigger on the "Triggers" pane
      1. Daily
      2. Repeat task every 15 miuntes for the duration of 1 day.
    4. Setup the eRecruiter Cron Worker executable on the "Actions" pane
      1. Action: Start a program
      2. Program/script: <ERECRUITER_INSTALL_DIR>\bin\CronWorker\ePunkt.CronWorker.exe
  4. Finish the task creation by clicking "OK". The application will ask for the eRecruiter application password, which needs to be provided in order to run the task without the user being logged in.