Job Request Document

Job Request Document

Before using the job-import, it has to be enabled in the mandator settings (Administration → Miscellaneous → Mandator settings → Request job from document → (tick) Request job from document). Furthermore, due to the document being linked to the imported job, you have to set the document type. If no or an invalid job document type is selected, the document will not be stored!

After enabling this feature, the Request job from document button will show up on the jobs page (bottom navigation). Subsequently, an account has to be selected. In the last step the user, contact and request document have to be selected. 

The request document is a word-document with certain fields with the following designated names:

Possible job fields: 

NameField title at document
Name (for internal use only)*Job_InternalName [1]
Location of job (internal)Job_InternalLocation [1]
TagsJob_Tags [4]
Locations of jobJob_Regions [4]
Job profileJob_JobProfile [1]
Career levelJob_CareerLevel [1]
Type of employmentJob_OccupationType [1]
Salary fromJob_SalaryFrom [1]
Salary toJob_SalaryTo [1]
Automatically provide on-line applicants with this job profileJob_ShouldAssignJobProfile [2]

Possible job ad fields:

NameField title at document
NameJobAd_Title [1]
SubheadingJobAd_SubTitle [1]
LocationJobAd_Location [1]
Account descriptionJobAd_CompanyDescription [1]
BeschreibungJobAd_Block1 [1]
AnforderungenJobAd_Block2 [1]
Wir empfehlen diese Position, weil ...JobAd_Block3 [1]
Interne ZusatzinformationenJobAd_Block4 [1]
Job ad templateJobAd_JobAdTemplate [1]
QuestionnaireJobAd_Questionnaire [1]

JobAd_Language [1]


Furthermore, custom fields can be imported. These custom field names depend on the specified custom fields of the account and can be found in the "show help" section of the import.


[1] ... field of type 'Dropdown list', 'Combo box' or 'Rich text' allowed

[2] ... field of type 'Checkbox' allowed

[3] ... field of type 'Date' allowed

[4] ... field of type 'Dropdown list', 'Combo box' or 'Rich text' allowed - values sperated by '|'

 *  ... Required


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