VIP jobs (en)

VIP jobs (en)

In case you have information that should not be visible for everyone, we would like to offer you the possibility to restrict access to certain jobs and applicants. 

What is it about?  

VIP-jobs are jobs, that should not be visible automatically for every eRecruiter User, but only for those who have certain access rights.
So with the VIP function you have the possibility to "hide" certain jobs for other users.  

As soon as you set a job to the VIP status, all applicants on this job get the VIP status automatically as well. 


Scenario 1:

Mr. Mayer created a job - "marketing manager" - and there are 3 applicants assigned to this job (Mrs. Stein, Mr. Stock, Mrs. Eule) 

Mr. Mayer sets the job marketing manager to VIP status, therefore the applicants Stein, Stock and Eule also get the VIP status automatically and are not visible for other eRecruiter users anymore - except they are assigned to another job too which doesn't have the VIP status. 

But Mr. Mayer gave his colleagues, Mr. Klein and Mrs. Groß, access rights to this job - so they are able to see the job and the assigned applicants Stein, Stock, Eule. 

Scenario 2:

Mrs. Groß created another job - a managing director. Mr. Stock applied for this position. The job managing director is not yet set to VIP status, so Mrs. Groß can see that Mr. Stock applied for 2 jobs. 

Her colleague, Mrs. Mittel, can only see one assigned job on the applicant profile of Mr. Stock, the managing director, because she has no access right for the marketing manager. 

As soon as you close a VIP job, the applicants are automatically switched from VIP status to normal status. So every eRecruiter user can now find the applicants in the eRecruiter (for example in the applicant search).  

The applicant can apply for every job on the applicant portal at any time - there are no restrictions for the applicants. 

What do you need?

Jobs have to be set to VIP by a user manually. You need special user rights:

  • create VIP-Jobs: This right gives you the permission to set jobs to VIP and to administrate access rights 
  • show all VIP-Jobs: This is scheduled for administrators. Users who have this right can always see all VIP jobs, without being given the access rights occasionally. 

How can I get permission for the VIP function?

We can give you these rights, please contact us: support@erecruiter.net

Before you contact us, please decide who should have this right and let us know the name of this user and which right he should have (view, edit, both)

What can you do with this right?

Users, who don't have the access rights, cannot see VIP jobs anywhere in the eRecruiter, it seems like they don't exist. 

This may have impacts in the history, the applicant search and the statistics.

VIP-Jobs are completely independent (therefore two different user rights), that means:

  • applicants who are assigned to a VIP job are not automatically VIP applicants, they are still visible for all users. Only the application for the VIP job is not visible for every user. 
  • If you want a job or an applicant to be "hided", you have to put both to the VIP status separately 
  • New created jobs are never VIP automatically 

How can I switch a job from regular to VIP status?

1Click on the name of the job to open the job detailpage 

2. If you have the required user rights, you will have the menu item "access rights" on the job detail page in the menu "More". 

3. Now you can switch from regular to VIP status. Moreover you can administrate the users who have the permission to see this VIP job: 

4. As soon as a job has the VIP status, this is marked with the VIP symbol on the detail pages: (of course only visible for users with the required permission, others won't see the job anyway). 

What do I have to keep in mind?

  • VIP jobs do not have any impacts on the applicant portal. As soon as you publish a job ad for a VIP job it is actually visible on the applicant portal (though not in the eRecruiter for some users) 

  • As soon as you share a VIP job with the company portal, it is visible, just as well as the applicants (doesn't matter if VIP or not)

  • For the advanced statistics access rights are not considered. But they are, for all other statistics. 

  • Tag suggestions will also include the ones for VIP jobs, even though you don't have the access rights. 

  • In the administration, when deleting types for example, access rights are ignored. 

  • When merging contacts, all jobs are transferred, also VIP jobs, even when access rights are missing. 

  • In the matching-jobs-info-email also VIP jobs could be suggested, as long as they are published on the applicant portal. 

  • You cannot delete contacts who are assigned for VIP jobs (same function like with normal jobs), also if you are not able to see the VIP job due to missing access rights. 

Additional feature - set applicants, who are assigned for a VIP job, to VIP status automatically 

With this additional feature all applicants that are assigned or will be assigned to a VIP job get the same access rights as the job automatically. 

That means that these applicants are only visible for a user, if he has the access right to the job, to which the applicant is assigned.  

If an applicant applies for two jobs with different access rights, every user who is allowed to see at least one of the two jobs, can see the applicant. But the user cannot see, that the applicant has also applied for a second job, except he has access rights to both jobs. 

Please ask our support team for this feature: support@erecruiter.net 

When we activate this feature for you, we can set all applicants, who are already assigned to VIP jobs, to VIP status at once.