VIP Applicants
Sabine Ameshofer (Unlicensed)
What is the VIP function?
VIP-applicants are applicants, that should not be visible automatically for every eRecruiter User, but only for those who have certain access rights.
So with the VIP function you have the possibility to "hide" certain applicants for other users.
Access rights
Applicants and jobs have to be set to VIP by a user manually. You need special user rights:
- create VIP-applicants: This right gives you the permission to set applicants to VIP and to administrate access rights
- show all VIP-applicants: This is scheduled for administrators. Users who have this right can always see all VIP applicants, without being given the access rights occasionally.
User Interface
New created applicants or jobs are never "VIP" automatically.
If you have the required user rights, you will have the menu item "access rights" on the applicant detail page as well as on the job detail page.
On the detail page you can switch the job or the applicant from regular to "VIP". Moreover you can administrate the users who have the permission to see this VIP applicant/job:
As soon as an applicant or a job has the VIP status, this is marked with the VIP symbol on the detail pages: (of course only visible for users with the required permission, others won't see the applicant or the job anyway)
VIP Jobs and applicants are marked with this symbol on the workspace as well:
It is possible to set applicants, who apply for a VIP job, automatically to VIP status. You can find more information here .