The Auto-LogOn-URL is provided to applicants (on the applicant portal) and contacts (on the customer portal) to automatically log in at their portal. The Auto-LogOn-URL can be used in several mail templates in the eRecruiter web-application and is automatically generated within the eRecruiter backend as URL.


The generated logon key of the Auto-LogOn-URL is valid for the current ongoing and the upcoming month since its generation. The key becomes invalid if the username or password of the applicant or contact changes since the LogOn-Keys are not saved but generated on each request.

To authenticate applicants through the API on a portal, there is one API endpoint:

GET Api/Applicant/{applicantId}?token={token}

Call the API endpoint using the userId and generated Logon-Key to retrieve an existing applicant. If an applicant is returned, the token is validated as valid and you can authenticate them in your applicant portal.